

What are my beliefs?

I have basic belief that human beings can change quikly.
Finding the example which is a lot of individual conditions, it would come out in detail. These are so many and they are not easy to count.
So I sometimes think of beliefs to be things such as habits.
Because action brings in habits, beliefs also are the idea to make it a habitual behavior.

Then, I think developing my daily behavior is important by affirmations.
At first, it is hard to believe I can change my attitude, using everyday affirmation.

By academic research of brain function, there are 4 kinds of way to open our attention as same as RAS.
Firstly, it’s the crisis of one’s death or danger.  Secondly, to repeat something deeply causes a meditation level. Then 3rd is inspiration like “a-ha” experience. Last is affirmation.

These actions; introduce 4 ways to open our mind also might be my beliefs.
In addition, it is one of my beliefs that to read about personal couching is my proposed accomplishments to have confidence.

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