

What scotomas do I have?

Scotoma is a blind spot of eyes physiologically and the phenomenon that human doesn’t see the fact of not interested things psychologically.

We don’t know what scotoma is firstly, we will know it after finding what a blind spot is psychologically and physiologically.

Thinking about scotoma means looking back reflectively.
It is easy to discover that everyday things are usually scotoma.
Greatest scotoma which I think of is "I don’t know what I do not know".
As for it, "docta ignorantia (the recognition of human ignorance)" of Socrates is correct and needed.

Therefore it was necessary for us to behave in a way to recognize what we do not see.
I feel it is fear. But from the view of brain function, everyone has scotoma and we can create future as we want; this is huge relief.

In daily life, I understand and find small things as scotomas with reflective thinking.
The most important thing is the mindset of awareness; "docta ignorantia”.

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